
My name is Kaelyn, and I'm the eldest of two. No, I am not married, have kids, or have a big time job just yet. I am a college student, just coming to realize what exactly I want to do with the rest of my life. I have already completed my Associates, and had completed it by the time I had turned 19. I WAS going to the community college nearest to me, and for a major in Nursing. I had thought that Nursing was the job for me, till I realized that it wasn't something I wanted to do with the rest of my life. Now I am currently attending SVSU and going for something that I had always wanted to go for. I am currently trying to achieve a major in Graphics Design, with a minor in Professional and Technical Writing. In other words, one day, I hope to be a writer for a craft magazine, like Crochet Today!

I am a very fun loving, outgoing person. My favorite color is green, and a majority of the things I own are green. I love dogs, and hope to have either a husky, malamute, or a cocker spaniel in my near future. During my free time you can catch me crocheting like a lil old lady, or sneaking off to sew something. I have double jointed elbows that freak the crap out of people. Being 21 is fun, but I will say, not a fan of wine.

As a warning to anyone who reads my blog, I LOVE ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING TO DO WITH PEACE SIGNS AND THE 70S. (Deep down I had wanted to grow up to be a hippie when I was young).

While I may seem awesomely interesting (yeah?!), I do have my cons, like actually liking to plan things out and writing up outlines for just about everything. I guess its like making patterns and instructions for things sooo I'll just say it's okay. I'm a very slow present opener; only piece by piece and everyone yells at me when I open gifts to just tear the paper. (In reality, I really want to save the paper and make something out of it). I bake wayyy too often, and my boyfriend fears of the well known food coma. I don't like birds, mainly in flocks because you just don't know what they are capable of doing. And I have an unrealistic fear of aliens. (seriously).

I live in the crazy weather changing state of Michigan. Here I have seen it rain, snow, and be 70 degrees out all in one day. True story. I have been with my boyfriend for a little over 3 years and we're still going. We go to the same university, and are trying to move out, slowly but surely. I'm hoping by the year after this that we finally find a place together!

My grandmother was the one who started getting me into arts and crafts. She didn't start me off with sewing possibly because I was too young to want to try what G-ma was doing, and also because she probably didn't trust me with needles. (hah!) My G-ma had actually started me off with crocheting squares out of extra yarn she had left over from her many projects. And then from there she taught me and my cousin how to sew by hand. We were able to hand sew pillows like crazy! A few Christmas's after, my mother bought me and my cousin our very first sewing machines, it's a shame we still don't have them. As we became older, we asked her to teach us how to knit mainly for scarfs, and well that didn't last long. Sewing and crocheting have stuck with me this long. I now have my own crocheting needles, and my very own sewing machine. Besides being an avid crochet-er/sew-er, I also enjoy painting, drawing, and here and there coloring. 

Between all my classes (usually 14 credits or more) my coffee shop job, and homework, trying to find time to even plan out a project let alone begin one is very hard. Luckily, I am able to have the weekends off and thus time for projects!!! And that's how I came about to creating this site. I hope to create a lively site for anyone who, like me, only has the weekends to create.

Ms. Crafty Weekender